Friday, June 26, 2015

first bug bite

Little miss Emma, on Monday when I picked you up from daycare I noticed that you cheek was swollen.  When I asked the daycare staff what is was?  They came back with it was a mosquito bite and you may have me allergic to it.. Well, this is not the case because you have them before and no reaction happened. 

I am assuming it was a bug bite, not sure what kind but it’s definitely made a mark on your gorgeous face.  Daddy laced it with Benadryl each day for the redness and the swilling to go down.. It worked, but I couldn’t let it go without pics.

Poor Little muffin 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

happy father's day from little miss emma

happy father's day to the worlds best daddy

happy father's day

happy father's day gifts from the princesses to their daddy

happy father's day gifts from the princesses to their daddy

happy father's day

Monday, June 15, 2015

first haircut

Today I took you to get your first haircut.  You hair is growing very long but the ends are starting to split so it is time trim those ends.  You did very good, sat there like the little princess you are.  Even the hairdresser Ms. Pam was shocked that someone your age can still and not complain.  She doesn’t know that little miss emma is a true princess, a princess in the making.

first comes the washing of the hair, which you enjoyed very much

than the shampooing and the conditioner, I was looking at you and saying at home you always complain that I wash your hair.  Here you enjoyed it

than the shampooing and the conditioner, I was looking at you and saying at home you always complain that I wash your hair.  Here you enjoyed it

Before your very first cut
here we go the first cut
after the cut we decided to put cornrows in your hair, making you look like a princess 

my princess little miss emma

my princess little miss emma

Posted on my Instagram @jennyrocha76
a very big thank you to #misspam from #SincerelyPHair for giving #littlemissemma her first hair cut #mommysprincess #firsthaircut#SincerelyPHairStudio #lifewithemma