Friday, September 14, 2012

emma bear

Emma, you’re growing so fast today I walked into your room and this is what I walked in on... What a sweet face, I Love You baby

what a precious angel

And as I am uploading this to your website, upstairs is silent, I run upstairs to check on you and this is what I find... You are a precious angel

Thursday, September 13, 2012

a tooth finally came, I mean teeth

It felt like FOREVER for your first tooth to cut through! Emma your 11 months and finally a tooth, I mean teeth have broken through.  that's right baby, you had 2 teeth coming in at the same time.  Your gums have been swollen for a few months but nothing has come.  Daddy picked you up from daycare on Monday and teachers said you had a rough day, ate nothing and only slept an hour.. boo hoo Emma bear.  We think its teething, so yesterday mommy and daddy looked into your mouth and we see it, you can feel the ridges perfectly.  I have been giving you baby Tylenol and of course this makes you very happy.  Emma bear I will try to take a pic a soon as you let me... Stay Strong baby, mommy and day are here for you…

Monday, September 10, 2012

happy 11 months

Happy 11 Months Baby Girl!

I can’t believe I am writing your last monthly update letter before you turn a year old. Just one short month left before the big first birthday is here.  This month just flew by!  How is that even possible?  You were just born.  I am not ready for you to turn one yet. :-(  You are such a fun little girl and I could not love you any more than I already do.  You have brought some extra spunk to our family!

Emma you are a ball of energy.  You go non-stop ALL THE TIME!  

Emma you still have no teeth, your lack of teeth has not slowed down your eating at all.  You are completely on table food and loving it. 

You still love to cuddle and are so sweet to hang out with.  You're a snuggle bunny.  I'm so thankful for this.  
happy 11 months my sweet Emma bear